Tiny toes, Big steps

Have you ever?

Knit Mohair Overalls - 6 to 12 months
"Never have I ever..." That's how the game starts, and when you're in a new world that list seems endless. By the time your journey is over, have you even made dent?

Something I never would have done was photography, if it hadn't been for a wonderful woman that decided to take a risk with my little prop shop.

Never would she ever get to cyber-meet and talk to a small town Texas girl, and never would she ever get the chance to see what that girl might have become.

I am forever grateful to a wonderful woman, that has long helped me in my journey to become a professional prop maker, and photographer.

I thank her everyday with each creation I make, because she believed in my horrible little shop. (It was a huge mess, and the images were very sad).

It's wonderful that people still take risks, and try to help others today. Don't feel bad for being kind, and helping yourself, too.

Never have you ever? Take a risk, and write something off your never list.

~ Ashley

Thank you Kari, it's been a joy watching your photography mature and blossom, I hope you've enjoyed seeing me do the same.

Photography Credit: Kari Layland Photography


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