
Sisterly Love Photography

What is this? A newborn? What???

It seems that I've been obsessed with sitters, month 6-12, lately! Where are all the adorable and squishy newborns?

Well good news, I have partnered with a new photographer who will be helping me with this very thing soon.

I hope to have the images in hand by the times this post is up!

Another thing I plan on having is to send out a newborn twin 100% wool set!

I need to get cracking before the busy season starts back up, and I have no time to do any sort of free crafting for myself. I just know you all will love what is to come, and if you have any suggestions of what you would like to see me make please tell me!

And to those happy seeing my older baby props, do not fret, as I will be designing new props for older sugar bears, too!

~ Ashley          


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