Can't Believe That Just Happened...

Can you believe what your seeing?

I can't....

Well, as you know from my first "featured item blog". I made this adorable aquatic creature. Coral.

After posting her, showing her off in chat rooms, family members, and friends.
She is no longer apart of the AshleysHomeSpun store.

Coral was highly liked by all but 1. (who said that she didn't like rainbows; who doesn't like rainbows? 0.o) She had stolen many hearts from Etsians, and had many views her way.

One late afternoon after leaving the chat rooms, I decided to do something different. I thought about people that sold felt, and everyone one seemed to sell felt well had a certain tag. A tag that said "LOOK AT ME I'M CUTE, TAKE ME HOME...please :)". And that tag worked. So I added that as my main tag. What was the tags name?

It's a secret, you'll have to figure it out by yourself ;).

After adding this tag to 5 items in my store, that the tag applied too, I went to bed. Then just about a day later...BAM!!! SOLD!!!

That fast! I could believe my eyes, I thought I was dreaming, but it was no dream, she was really sold. So I packed her up, and sent her off. I know Inky her brother will miss her, but he understands that they had to go their separate ways.

Coral, waved and winked our last goodbye. I swore I saw a tear, and as I drove away from the post office, I smiled through tears. Because I know she'll be going to a new loving home.

I miss you Coral, don't forget me. :'D.

In honor of Coral:
a short stay in AshleysHomeSpun Store, a forever stay in my heart.


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